Evening walk around Stockholm

Continuing the walks around town with my camera, this time I apparently racked up over 25.000 steps according to Breeze. The photos are taken around sunset and a couple of them after sundown -- the "blue" hour.
As part of the culture festival going on in the town, there are pianos around in the streets, available for anyone to play. They are colorful and according to what I heard, there are lots of really talented piano players walking around.

The sun was about to set as I was heading towards Riddarholmen via slussen.

Arriving at the garden behind city hall, the view was amazing and the sky was colored deep pink.

It was getting pretty late when I was walking back and the while the lights were still on in the ticket counter for the boat trips, it was devoid of life.

One thing that never stops is the constant flow of traffic, and this day was no different.

Old town is quite magical and full of life in the evening with people eating late dinner, drinking wine and enjoying the views.